Repair Cafe volunteer Lani - works wonders on Bunny

Nothing warms the cockles of our heart more than a repaired cuddly toy. The Repair Cafe in Barnstaple has the honour of an amazingly talented volunteer called Lani who specialises in just that. 

During the Spring a girl and her mother brought in a much-loved childhood favourite cuddly Bunny (see pic) Poor Bunny was falling apart from being loved so much. Despite being reluctant to part with Bunny, the girl was brave enough to leave it with Lani to repair. Off Lani trotted to find some similar fluffy material and rather astoundingly came back with a large amount of fabric of almost identical colour and texture from the nearest charity shop in Barnstaple. Lani meticulously took Bunny apart to follow the pattern to a tea and then added her own touch with a rather cute little bag of carrots. 

I think you will agree that Bunny turned out a treat !

claire moodie