Sustainable Community Groups

In order to create real change we, at PFND, feel it is important to make environmental protection and sustainability an intrinsic part of how communities operate and have started a pilot project: Sustainable Community Groups to try to make this happen. 

As a starting point we have been working with Woolacombe and Saunton Surf Life Saving Clubs on how to get this started with Sustainability Officers being appointed to each club, environmental policies being put in place and messaging being sent out to members to name but a few of the actions.  (Click on the links to see on their websites).

We are really encouraged with how each club has taken up the project and will be looking forward to seeing what new ideas and actions can be put into place in the future. 

Once the pilot project is complete we will be looking at how to expand the project further and how other community groups can replicate what has been done.

claire moodie