Meet the team


Anne-Marie Eveleigh



Operations Manager

As a mum of three I am passionate about ensuring that we preserve and protect our environment for future generations. I am a true believer in the power of individual actions and felt that now was the time to act. Joining this group of passionate individuals has been inspiring and I am excited about what we are going to be able to achieve in the future.




Chief Executive

I am an avid surfer, lover of the marine environment and all things outdoors, this makes me passionate about the need to protect and preserve this fragile resource. Not only does it fulfil and enrich so many people’s lives but the future of the human race ultimately depends on its health. Having worked on many conservation projects around the world including working as a Surfers Against Sewage representative for the last 5 years means I have not only come face to face with some of the worlds most majestic creatures and witnessed the issues they face but I have seen what happens when people come together to tackle an issue to create positive change within their communities. This is exactly what we are trying to do here in North Devon and I am so proud of what we and our very supportive local community have achieved so far and I’m very excited to see what else we can do.




Outreach Coordinator

As a keen surfer, sea swimmer, and general beach bimbler I have always spent as much of my free time as I can outdoors and more often than not in water. Sadly, the marine plastics encountered on virtually every visit are a highly visible reminder of the current unsustainable throwaway culture that is endangering the health of the ocean and the wider planet, and I wanted to do something about it on more than just an individual level. I am passionate about engaging people with the environmental crisis we are currently facing, as a planet and as a species, and working to protect the natural environment that we all depend upon to thrive and survive.

I moved to North Devon in January 2020, and was impressed by the real sense of community that I found here almost straight away. I see Plastic Free North Devon as intrinsically rooted in that sense of community and am excited to be a part of this movement and the change it has the potential to bring about through education and inspiring positive action.


Mrs Recycle


Repair Cafe Coordinator

I love the Devon countryside that I live in, and visit the moors and beaches with my family and rescue dog Willow.  After many years of offering environmental and craft workshops in North Devon and Torridge schools, affectionately being known as Mrs Recycle, I joined Plastic Free North Devon as a Beach Ambassador, encouraging visitors to our beaches to rethink the amount of single use plastics that they were using.  

I am now able to put my creative knowledge and repairing skills together to not only coordinate the Repair Cafes for PFND, but also join in as an active skilled volunteer to mend holes in jeans, replace zips in coats, and darn socks and jumpers too!


Circus Wrangler


Team Bookkeeper and Administrator

I've lived by the sea for almost all my life and for more than 10 years in the South West. We moved to North Devon in 2022 with our two dogs and like nothing better than to be outdoors with them, usually on the gorgeous beaches we're so lucky to have on our doorstep. We've noticed the increase in plastic pollution and always come back with arms and pockets full of it, so being able to actively support Plastic Free North Devon is something dear to my heart. We'd like our children and grandchildren to be able to enjoy the beautiful scenery that this country provides and for its beauty to be preserved for future generations.



Creative Comms Whizz


Social Media Coordinator


The Other Comms Whizz


Comms Assistant

I am happier outside and have grown up and lived on the coast in the South-West, never having lived very far from the sea willingly. I have always been creative with reusing and making things, and have always enjoyed learning skills to do this. I was taught a lot about looking after and appreciating our natural environment by my family and always remember being passionate about issues to do with all things to do with the natural environment.

Years of travelling and experiencing different parts of the world ignited much passion for our planet but at times some despair. I then later became a teacher and embraced sharing this passion (and the not so great things) for many years (and still do!) in a classroom and have often ended up engineering a whole topic around saving a Rainforest animal or adopting a Polar Bear.

Having my own children has made this ever more important and in recent years I have taken the time to mix up my dog walks and time outside with beach cleans, finding plastic beach treasure, using it for artwork and sharing awareness on social media. The mammoth amounts of plastic waste has led me deeper into understanding climate change and reflecting on our societal choices and those I make at home. Joining the PFND team means that I am learning more all the time, whilst contributing to community and (hopefully) planetary action.



Chair of Trustees

Annie and I moved to North Devon with our sons James and Jack 7 years ago. Originally from Scotland we were drawn to the area because of the raw and wild similarities and friendly welcoming people. 

Since I can remember, the natural world has been an important part of who I am and how I experience this life. It’s something we enjoy as a family too.  

Somewhere in the last few decades as a society we’ve taken a wrong turn, where we’ve become disconnected from nature, as a result the decisions we take and the things we do are damaging our natural world.  We see that every day in North Devon on our beaches in the form of marine plastic.  The reality however is that this is just one area where we need to change the way we live in harmony with nature.  At Plastic Free North Devon, led by the passionate Claire Moodie – we are on the front line of education and advocacy and action, with the local community, businesses and the tourism industry.  As a surfer and swimmer in our seas, I won’t rest until we’ve turned the tide on plastic. We have already had an important impact locally and I passionately believe we can continue to do more, through education and action with our communities, businesses, schools and tourists.


I love living in North Devon and representing PFND.



I am a GP working in Ilfracombe and current chair of PFND. Having lived, worked and surfed in North Devon for over 20 years I have seen the growing effects of marine litter and other man made impacts on our local environment. We have become disconnected from the natural world and this so clearly manifests itself in the global plastic pollution crisis we are now facing. I feel very strongly that we can change thing for the better, particularly now that I am working with such an awesome team at PFND!! I am really proud of what we have achieved in a short space of time but there is plenty more work to do!



We moved to Croyde 10 years ago, to live by the sea and enjoy a healthier lifestyle. After watching the film “A Plastic Ocean” it became impossible to walk on the beach without seeing all the tiny pieces of plastic washed up, or to see people drinking from a takeaway coffee cup without breaking into a cold sweat!  We love the quote - “The greatest risk to our planet is the belief that someone else will fix it”.  It’s so true and so we had to get involved.  Being part of Plastic Free North Devon we have met fantastic people and love being part of a community making a real difference to their environment.