Marine Strandings network - when and how to use them..

What is the MSN (Marine Strandings Network) ?

It monitors marine wildlife along Devon’s two coasts

What does it do?

Essentially it trains up volunteers to record and monitor dead marine animal strandings (think seal, porpoise, dolphin as well as many other less frequent ones in this area such as basking sharks and turtles)

What happens with the data collected?

MSN works in partnership with the Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (CSIP) and Uni of Exeter  Data collected has a variety of purpose and information such as health and disease, pollution, diet and so on. Essentially it helps identify threats to their survival. See

How can I get involved ?

They run courses across the year in a few locations so it is definitely worth keeping an eye out. 

What do I do if I find a dead sea mammal? 

If you are not trained then take a what 3 words of its location or if not possible then be able to offer a clear location and also the time of day (this helps with tides)  Then call the Hotline number below immediately (why not pop it into your phone?) Also information as to what it is and/ or a photo can be helpful. Plus the state of decomposition (gory huh?)

Call: 07719086531


What happens next? 

You do not need to stay with it but a volunteer will hopefully be sent out to take the data. If it is a particularly recently passed specimen then often CSIP will send out people to collect it for further study into the cause of death.

What if it isn’t actually dead ?

 Then in this instance you would immediately contact the BDMLR (British Divers Marine Life Rescue;

 Call: 01825 765546  

They will send out an emergency team to rescue it. Importantly steer clear and do NOT attempt to relaunch it into the water. Keep dogs and other disturbances away.

claire moodie