Beach Buddies Childcare
A privately owned nursery situated in the Pentecostal Church in Braunton, Devon.
Owners: Jan Appleby & Charlotte Spice
Actions to date:
Plastic Straws - used for crafts etc, will buy paper ones
Glitter -not buying anymore
Nappy Bags - changing to use bio-degradeable/compostable ones and fill them (rather than just put one nappy in each)
Carrier Bags - use own reuseable bags at shops
Cleaning - already use big containers, but are going to try to make their own products. The problem is that most ingredients to make cleaning products come in plastic!
Baby Wipes - use washable wipes for hands and faces
Food -take their own tubs to the butchers and bags to the veg shop
Still working on:
Cloths - for cleaning which get thrown away daily - considering how to improve on this