We're seeking a new Trustee!

Are you a passionate advocate for the environment and would like to help make a difference?

Would you like to use your experience and networks in business with one of the most high-profile North Devon environmental charities?

We are looking for a Trustee to join our small team of 3 other passionate Trustees to help guide and support programs, projects and education across North Devon. Our small staff team of 6 part time employees deliver a huge amount in our local community and require active and engaged trustees to further our objectives.

We are looking for an experienced, business minded person who can help us with the duties of a Charitable Trustee and more specifically help us in raising funds and building partnerships with local businesses and individuals. The ideal candidate will be experienced in business, have a strong network in North Devon, be passionate about the natural world and have a drive to make a difference in the community we live in.

To find out more and send a CV please send a recent CV to: info@plasticfreenorthdevon.org

FYI: Enquiries wont be dealt with until September.